BASE WEEK Programming 2022

We are excited to announce our Base Week programming for 2022!


"Brazen Total"

Front Squat 1RM
Push Press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM

Focus for the Day: Peak Functional Strength


Max Rep Pull-Up Test

"Grin & Bear"

AMRAP x 15 mins:
- Russian Kettlebell Swings x 25
- Russian Twists x 20
- Push-Ups x 15

Focus for the Day: Muscular Stamina


Overhead Squat 7-rep Max

Not a benchmark test - active recovery for the week.

Focus for the Day: Stability, Mobility & Active Recovery


Squat Clean 1-rep Max

"Thunder & Lightning"

2 rounds of:
- Max calories on the Assault Bike in :30s
- Rest 2:30

Focus for the Day: Power Production


"Gut Check"

4 Rounds of:
- 1 min of max rep rowing cals
- 1 min of max reps box jumps
- 1 min of max reps thrusters
- 1 min of max reps burpees
- 1 min of rest

Focus for the Day: Cardiovascular Conditioning


Team workout - Not a benchmark test

Focus for the Day: Wrap-up & recharge

Frequently Asked Questions

When is this happening?
Our first Base Week in 2022 will take place during the calendar week of Monday February 7th! We will be repeating the same programming every 12 weeks, for a total of four (4) times in 2022.

What is Base Week?
It is a series of benchmark workouts that are programmed over the course of one week. These workouts are meant as "tests" and they will be repeated 3-4 times throughout the year. It is called Base Week because you are (re)identifying your baseline on a regular basis.

The tests range in time duration from ultra short (e.g. Power Clean 1-rep max) to long (e.g. a 25-min circuit). They range in intensity and in load. They are meant to measure all facets of your fitness: power, strength, speed, strength endurance, stamina, cardiovascular conditioning, gymnastic ability, unilateral/bilateral strength balances, movement skill and general work capacity.

Why do this?
A large part of the fitness equation is measurement. We combine consistency and hard work with logging and tracking so we can identify where progress is being made, and where it isn't. The simple action of entering your score in SugarWOD after the workout is less about finding your place on the leaderboard and more about finding your place in your own fitness improvement journey. It is key to how far your fitness will go in the next 3 months.

Will these tests change?
Throughout a given year, we will aim to keep the makeup of Base Week the same in order to determine, as a gym and as individuals, how and where we are making progress. We will use the results to enhance our gym programming and address any area of our training that could use a little more TLC.

Year over year, we will revisit some of the workouts and possibly swap them in/out for other tests that we deem more informative and a better representation of the kind of fitness we want in our athletes.

This year, we are swapping out most if not all of our workouts.

Final notes on workout selection
A reminder that the workout selection has to achieve 2 goals:
1. Be organized in a way that even if you couldn't make all the days, you could still choose 3 or 4 days from the week and still get a great assessment of fitness
2. Cover all aspects of fitness, including strength (both bilateral and unilateral), muscular endurance, power, cardiovascular conditioning, balance, agility, stamina, and the three energy systems.

We'll see you at the gym!


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