Why Are Box Jumps So Scary?

By Coach Elise Perez

If you quiver with fear every time box jumps are programmed in a workout, or are constantly scaling with step ups, or have avoided box jumps out of fear in your own training, this is for you.

Box jumps are a staple movement in CrossFit. They develop power and explosiveness, possess tons of carry over to squat variations, the olympic lifts and basically any sport. Box jumps also build your strength, balance and endurance… and you’ll look like a powerful badass doing them.

Box jumps are notoriously known as a feared movement, among beginners and experienced trainees alike. It’s a common and natural instinct; when a danger presents itself, our brains tell us no. We imagine a fatal outcome and try to protect ourselves from injury or harm. In this case, scraped up shins or a direct faceplant to the floor.

So how do we get over this fear?

1. Accept it and move on

There’s a solid chance that every time you have to perform box jumps, your fear will always come back. So why not just try to accept it? Don’t see your fear as a limiting factor or something to be ashamed of, rather accept that yes, you’re afraid of box jumps but you’re going to do them anyway. It’s just your body’s way of signaling you to be careful, but you are totally fine!

2. Increase the height gradually

If you walk into one of our classes, you’ll see athletes doing box jumps at all different heights. There’s always a way for everyone to get the workout done at the prescribed intensity. You don’t have to start with a high box, in fact we encourage you to start modestly. Grab a small box or stack a few weight plates on the floor. Once you get confident with ten consecutive jumps at a certain height, it’s time to progress the height and repeat.

3. Imagine your feet on the box

It may sound silly, but we swear it works! If you’re attempting a box jump height that freaks you out, take a second, breathe and visualize your feet on top of the box. Visualization is a powerful tool, use it.

4. Use and train your power

If we’re not used to powerful and explosive movements, this is the value of the box jump. It teaches us how to triple extend and be powerful. Add other powerful movements into your training; vertical jumps, skaters, jump lunges, jump squats. You have power, you just have to train it!


We’re Reducing Our Class Schedule for the Fall


“Yeah, but I scaled.”