REintroducing Coach Meredyth

Hey athletes,

Here at BRAZEN, we don't just coach you through 60 minutes of a fun, hard-hitting group class, close the doors and say farewell.

It's a priority for us to coach the whole athlete.

This means we take into serious consideration, what's going on in your life outside of the gym, how are you feeling not just physically but mentally, how recovered are you, what have stress levels and sleep been like, etc.

We take these variables and work them into how we will individually coach you and do the best by you, even in the group class setting.

This is why we offer nutrition coaching and support in our gym. We are well aware of the fact that how we fuel ourselves and how we feel and perform go hand-in-hand.

And now, Coach Meredyth is back with a special program that will give you the nutrition tools you need for life!

To give you the full scoop we’ll let Coach Meredyth take it from here.

"At this point, I realize some of you may be thinking “great, nutrition, got it but who the f is Coach Meredyth”? I know, I haven’t been around in any in-person capacity for a while now. (which feels so weird!!) So, a little bit about me…

I joined this gym as a member back in 2011 (discovered while on a date!). At the time I was running my behavior analysis practice (behavior change and education were my primary focus in school and career). Within a year I started coaching CrossFit and spent every spare moment soaking in experiences as a coach and athlete. I completed several movement and coaching certifications like Yoga and CrossFit Level 2, did a bunch of fun stuff like CrossFit camp and competed in local CrossFit competitions, until one day I had a baby and within months took over as co-owner of the gym.

Fast forward to now and man oh man has it been a crazy year for me, personally. Fulfilling but intense. The coolest part, aside from the birth of our third daughter, Reya, has been formalizing my nutrition and lifestyle coaching practice: Inner Strength Coaching. This has been four plus years in the making (things move a little slower when you have three kids)!

I’ll spare you all the buzz words and just say that what I do is guide clients to the vision they have for themselves using evidence based coaching.

What does this mean? And how does it help people? I’ll tell you.

Some of my clients want to work on weight normalization. They are often just plain burnt out on diets and getting on and off a “program”. These clients are sick and tired of starting and stopping and simply want to have a good handle on nutrition for life including the permanent loss of unnecessary, extra weight.

Others want to become stronger and faster. They’ve hit a training plateau and want some guidance on how to progress in a smart, sustainable way. I once had a client tell me she was alone in the dark room of “trying to be better” until nutrition coaching came along - let there be light!!

I also work with clients who want to finally have a healthy relationship with food and their body. They know things are going off the rails either with emotional eating, super strict clean eating, or both in a binge-restrict cycle.

Sometimes I have clients who are working on ALL OF IT. They come to me with a variety of nutrition and behavior “problems”. They aren’t waking up rested, they don't feel good in their own skin, their coping mechanisms are making them feel worse over time, they’re training hard and getting minimal results, they are too busy, too tired, and too overwhelmed when it comes to preparing food at home. Whatever the case, we make decisions about how to shape their path based on outcomes, the evidence, that we regularly collect and analyze. I provide the structure, support, and guidance needed to get where they want to go.

I use a non-dogmatic, biopsychosocial, systematic approach in my small group and personal coaching sessions. Translation: I don’t prescribe to any one diet or diet philosophy; I coach to the individual human. I take the unique biology, psychology, and social-environmental variables of each client into account. And, every step we take fits into the larger picture, getting closer, inch by inch, to their vision. I help people get the body they want without ever doing another diet again.

Moving forward Inner Strength will be delivering nutrition and healthy lifestyle coaching services and content for Brazen members!

I’m looking forward to all of it!"
Coach Meredyth MEd, PN1


How to Create The Perfect Meal


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